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Beautiful Chaos by Zaheera Walker

Life is good for Kajal Maharaj. She has the perfect parents, a career that drives her, a best friend

and the spunk to tomboy her way through life. She has everything going for her until she logs into her account one evening and Facebook leads her to Seraj Daniels. They meet for coffee and fit together like pieces in a puzzle. Between juggling reports for work and catching up with him on WhatsApp, the buzz in her head is reminding her to be true to herself. She is falling in love but it won't be easy – a Muslim guy can’t possibly love a Hindi girl, can he? Should she tell him, could she tell him...and what happens when it is out in the open?

This is not what I would classify as your usual romance story. This certainly wasn’t the romance story that I was expecting. When I first delved into the book I was expecting a normal romance book but what I got was an exciting story that left me wondering and heart sore but still content. This is the sort of a book with a message and the message was brilliantly delivered by Walker.

My favourite thing about this book was that it was not what I expected and it contained so much truth to it. It was a realistic love story; and Walker clearly has a good grasp on conveying a story with a punch. I enjoyed the characters, specifically Seraj who certainly took my heart away with him with his natural goodness and kindness. Kajal for me was an interesting character who makes the kind of decision any woman would make.

The thing that I take away from this book is that life is too short to be scared. You should grasp life by the horns and launch yourself into it with a passion and not let anything hold you back. The only thing that I didn’t like about the story was the way Kajal interspersed her ‘story’ with a lot of slang, but that is a personal preference.

Overall the story was great and if you want something new and interesting then I would recommend this book to you.

Review Rating: 4/5

More Information:

Published Date: February 7, 2017

Genre: Romance

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